For instants, let's talk about me.((: One year on Wednesday. October 7th, 2009.): In a blink of an eye, it's all gone. "Poof". Ahh I'm still a kid, I hve my whole life to findd "the one." I'll just wait and see what happens.? Pointless...
Ahhh so my day, today is gonna be about my dayy. Today was stupid.((: But good for the most part. Lunchh was my favoritee, listened to my brotherr playy. Ahhh amazing.:D He' gonna be big one dayy.(: And he got me into some really good music.:D It's starting to get cold, I loveeeeee it.<3 Anddddd I'm going to Flagstaff tomrrow to see my sista, I miss her.): Ohhhh annnnndddd I'm super exicted, I might go to New York for my birthday.:D Ahhh New York during Christmas, Time Square covered in snoww. It's a dreammm.((: I can't waitt.
Okay now let's hear the bad news, 100708.):....Mohomo might movee.): Argh and I know some cockky ass people. Like seriously.?! Grow the fuckkk up.! Aha but it's whatever your outta my lifee for good. Didn't need you anyways. Cockkky fuckk.!xD
Ahhh dearr believe I'm not meann, I just had to get that out. Even though it's truee and everyone knowss.xD
Girllllllllllllllllllllll :)